May 20, 2022 | ,

ACE/ SUN ‘n FUN Supports The ALL WOMEN Oregon International Airshow

The ALL WOMEN Oregon International Airshow Starts today!

Click here for more info!

Oregon Airshow

The Aerospace Center for Excellence, home of SUN ‘n FUN Aerospace Expo is proud to sponsor the Official Youth Initiative Ticket that provides entry to over 400 Portland School District students offering them hands-on STEM and aviation learning complimenting their mission to Engage, educate and accelerate the next generation of Aerospace Professionals. We could not be happier to support a fellow organization.

Oregon Airshow Preivew

The Oregon International Air Show has been Oregon’s largest aviation event since 1988. From 1988 to 2002 the event was known as the Rose Festival Air Show. In 2002, the Hillsboro Chamber and the Rose Festival Organization decided to focus on their core business lines. This left the airshow without an organizing body. In late 2002, the Oregon International Air Show, Inc was founded and incorporated as a 501(c)3 with the purpose of continuing the airshow event and its charitable mission to support charities throughout the region. Since 2003, the Oregon International Air Show has donated more than $2.6 million to these charities. In order to ensure a permanent scholarship and charitable fund, in 2016, the Oregon Airshow Charitable Foundation was established. Since 2016, the Foundation board has worked with numerous partners to create a private/public partnership with the Hillsboro School District and Portland Community College to bring aviation education to the region’s youth. In the creation of the Oregon Aviation Careers for Everyone program, school district and foundation board members made visits to the Sun-n-Fun to learn about the Aviation High School program located at Lakeland Airport. The O-ACE program has several elements learned from those visits incorporated into its structure. One of the important lessons learned during the research was that the education process must begin as early as possible (before high school). The Oregon International Air Show has a strong Youth Ticket Program to bring as many young people to the airshow as possible. These tickets reach into every major youth organization in the greater region – with a focus on at-risk youth.

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