Welcome Back SUN ‘n FUN Digital Daily!

Returning for the second year, the SUN ‘n FUN Digital Daily powered by the Aero-News Network will keep those in attendance at the SUN ‘n FUN Aerospace Expo, or wishing they were, informed with news, product announcements, interviews, and alerts!
Otherwise referred to as SNFDD, this joint venture between the SUN ‘n FUN Fly-In and Aero-News Network provides exceptional multi-media content and added value to the SUN ‘n FUN experience.
“The feedback we received last year was very positive,” says John “Lites” Leenhouts, President/CEO of SUN ‘n FUN Fly-In. “There is so much information and news to share about our event, as well as our educational programming, that using a digital platform to deliver fresh content in real-time with a partner that has the expertise of Aero-News just makes sense.”
Coverage of the 2022 SUN ‘n FUN Aerospace Expo by SNFDD is being expanded, aggressively, with details to be released soon. Traffic to the inaugural website-only site, SNFDD.com, continued throughout 2021 as written and video content was added throughout the year.
Aero-News CEO / Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell, says his team is up to the challenge and ready to kick off the aviation season’s opener in a big way. “Our team will be delivering content via multiple world-wide venues. Stay tuned for additional announcements as our expanded coverage of the 2022 event will be the first of its kind!”
Anyone with news to share or other interest in the SNFDD advertising program is invited to reach out to the SNFDD team at info@snfdd.com or 863-299-8680.