Hot Air Balloon activities are very popular at SUN ‘n FUN. Activities include:
Daily limited demonstration flights from Paradise City (Light Sport) field by commercial firms – usually at 7:00 a.m.
Saturday at dawn is the “big” event! Balloons will be launched from the main flight line in a traditional “Hare and Hound” race. As the name suggests, this event involves chasing a single airship after it takes off. This airship acts as the “hare” and floats in the air for a short while before other balloons are allowed to take off. The balloons that follow are the “hounds”, and the winning balloon is the one who lands closest to the “hare”. This is a sight you won’t want to miss, but you’ll have to get up early.
BETWEEN 6:30-8:00 A.M.
Check out the BALLOON GLOW during our night air shows!
All Balloon Activities Are Weather Dependent!
Hot air balloon pilots carry an FAA-issued pilot’s license in the “Lighter than Air” Category. In addition to passing the traditional written tests, a pilot is specially trained in balloon mechanics, safety, procedures, and the unique flight characteristics of balloons. Rated as either Private or Commercial, pilot competence can only be attained by extensive experience in actual flight.
Are You A Balloonist?
Are you a balloonist who would like to participate in the upcoming event? Please download the Pilot Technical Record Requirement form and bring it with you to SUN ‘n FUN. Also, please review the Documentation Requirements to insure your participation during the event.
Contact Information
Tom and Jessica Warren, Co-Chairs
(813) 243-9507
Balloonist Registration
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